SoulSignature On-line & In-Person Package

With this package your first two steps are via video on your computer. Of course the third SoulSignature Session happens directly with Grace Ambrook either in person (you come to me) or via Zoom.

Each video is approximately 75 minutes. You also receive written reminder notes in pdf form. These are easy reminders of what is covered in each video session. Just so you can jog your memory without watching the complete video.

There is a minimum 7 day interval between sessions. This ensures you have fully integrated each step, before embracing the next level. You receive a new link to the second Activation video via email, 7 days after you have watched the first alignment video.

Please be aware that for the SoulSignature Session, you require audio and video on your computer.

Now is the perfect time. Time to say Yes, to your Soul.

Fully booked at present. To go on the waiting list please email me. POA

SKU: soulsig2 Category:


The SoulSignature On-line and In Person Package consists of:

Steps 1 and 2 are provided as on line videos and support material. Step 3 and session 4 are personal sessions with Grace Ambrook held in person on Sunshine Coast Hinterland or via Zoom.

Steps 1 and 2 include a detailed video which you watch in the comfort of your home and in your own time. Support material in pdf file form is given. Step 2 is delivered to you, seven days after you have completed Step 1.

After you have completed Step 1 and Step 2, we schedule your SoulSignature call.

Step 3, the SoulSignature Session happens in-perosn either on Zoom or on the Sunshine Coast Hinterland.

Integration into action call happens in-perosn either on Zoom or on the Sunshine Coast Hinterland.

Currently Fully Booked. To go on the waiting list, please email me. POA


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